DegreeData launches two new apps to search academic content
Finding courses for transfer evaluation and articulation development can be a slow, time-consuming process. First the user would have to locate the catalog for the year the student took the course, if it’s even available, and from there they have to perform a search. The information may be buried deeply in the catalog or under … Read more DegreeData launches two new apps to search academic content

AstrumU Licenses DegreeData to drive Workforce Solutions
AstrumU and DegreeData have partnered to further AstrumU’s mission: to create a “predictive individual learning recommendation™ for every lifelong learner, so that themselves, educational providers, and employers can quantifiably invest in educational experiences.” AstrumU uses program pathways information to close the gap between what colleges teach and the skills that employers need. DegreeData provides the … Read more AstrumU Licenses DegreeData to drive Workforce Solutions

DegreeData partners with ETS to mine Graduate Programs
The more a student knows about a degree before they matriculate, the better chance they have of completing the requirements and graduating on time. Unfortunately, many students don’t know how to dig into those details or where to even start. Valuable information about curriculum and admissions requirements is disbursed across pages on a college website. … Read more DegreeData partners with ETS to mine Graduate Programs
DegreeData licenses course data
Does your transfer or articulation solution need massive course data? DegreeData collects, parses and stores courses from institutional records and makes them available for licensing. Course content is culled from publicly available academic catalogs and includes a 5-year archive. All colleges are represented including public and private 2- and 4-year institutions. Course data includes, but … Read more DegreeData licenses course data

DegreeData Launches Free Student Site
All too often, students don’t know the requirements for college graduation until after they’ve declared their major, but best time to research major requirements is before the first day of classes. In fact, high school sophmores who understand what it takes to graduate from college are much more likely to prepare for the first day … Read more DegreeData Launches Free Student Site
Academic Policies in DegreeData
Are you researching Academic Policies but don’t have time to wade through catalogs to find them? DegreeData does the work for you. We find, bookmark, and parse Academic Policy chapters into discrete documents that are easier to load and search. You don’t need to navigate an entire catalog to research or compare policies. Just go … Read more Academic Policies in DegreeData
Find courses and curriculum faster with DegreeData’s parsed sections.
Catalogs are required to include a lot of important information, which makes them a terrific resource, but the result can be a big publication. The average undergraduate catalog is 260 pages. That’s hard to navigate online, especially when 80% of online catalogs are in PDF format. DegreeData makes the catalog easier to navigate by parsing … Read more Find courses and curriculum faster with DegreeData’s parsed sections.
DegreeData and Standards
DegreeData is proud to support the standards community through our sponsorship and participation in the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Coucil (PESC). At the 2019 Fall summit in Montreal, our CEO, Anne Valentine, participated in the panel for the ARUCC/GDC Student Mobility Project. This important work is being undertaken by Canadian institutions and the Gronigen Declaration to ensure that student credits and academic achievements are measurable and portable. We can’t think of anything more important in driving better educational outcomes. DegreeData joins the PESC EdPlan Workgroup DegreeData has joined the EdPlan workgroup to create a standard for educational plans between institutions. The
Overcoming PDF Tomes
DegreeData makes navigating curriculum faster in California and New York Eightly percent of academic catalogs are published in PDF. The technology is easy to use and affordable. Best of all, PDF documents are the backbone of a stable archive. We foresee PDF archives on sites long into the future, even after curriculum management systems have been implemented. They are reliable and incorruptable. The problem for researchers is that navigating huge PDF documents can be inefficient, especially when you just need to see courses or programs. To overcome that, DegreeData has selected Calfironia Community Colleges and New York institutions to prove
DegreeData Launches New Website
Welcome to the new DegreeData website. We hope you enjoy the updated design but this upgrade isn’t just aesthetic. DegreeData has added functions to make curriculum and transfer credit research more efficient. For one thing, we increased the the speed on catalog downloads so you can find what you’re looking for more quickly. We also enhanced the program and course search capability. Better Course Search Our users have told us that they want to see a course in context, not simply the description. DegreeData search delivers not only the description, but an overview of how the course is actually used.