100% Coverage
DegreeData is a national data base of academic catalogs.
All of them.
- Every 2- and 4-year, public and private institution of higher learning is included
- Archives extend back 5-7 years for each insitution.
- Data is updated annually as catalogs are published
DegreeData mines academic catalogs for course and program content and converts it to
structured data for use in software and transfer solutions.
Part of the Higher Education Community
From leadership to mining, DegreeData is a team of people who are experienced in helping students acheive their goals.

Anne Valentine
Anne Valentine is the founder and CEO of DegreeData. Her 25 years of experience in higher education spans working at a university publications office to founding SmartCatalog, the first online curriculum management solution for colleges and universities.
DegreeData is the result of her vision to build a national database of academic information from college catalogs. That mission, plus a healthy dose of persistence, has resulted in the only independently available source of policies, programs and courses in the US. Software developers use it to build transfer and pathways solutions and by subscribers and learners access it for research. Anne’s long-term vision is to transform the way educational experience is demonstrated on resumes, social media and in applicant tracking software.

Beth Quick
Lead Data Acquisition
Beth has been leading the team for acquiring academic content since 2018. Prior to DegreeData, Beth was an HR professional, working for 20 years in the field. Her experience in hiring and training provides a valuable insight for exposing learning experience in the form of program artifacts from DegreeData.

Ifrah Fatah
Ifrah comes to DegreeData from the Registrar’s Office at Georgetown University where she serves as the Associate Registrar. Ifrah’s background in registration and transfer evaluation provides real-world experience to Anne and the team. When she’s not acquiring new data, she works on custom projects for DegreeData customers such as researching on testing for ETS or veteran’s credits for ACE.

Alex Jackl
Alex is DegreeData’s data design and growth consultant. As a technology strategist, futurist, and data scientist he is uniquely qualified to guide our growth.
Alex is the chair of the A4L North American Technical Advisory Committee, a Board Member of PESC, Chair of Data Standards United, and Chair of the T3 Innovation Network’s Technology and Data Standards Network.

Lynne Vellante
Data Acquisition
Lynne’s background is at the junction of education and the armed services through her work at the Service Members Opportunity Colleges. It was there that she helped military personnel transfer experience to educational credits. Lynn is one of our most experienced specialists in acquiring catalog and program data and she also assists on special projects.

Dave Stones
Dave has as much experience in higher ed as you could ask for. He was a senior staffer in the registrar’s office at UT Austin for 21 years. Following UT Austin, he served as the Registrar at Southwestern University for 12 years. He has more credentials than we can even count, and now he’s our newest data acquisition specialist. Welcome to the team Dave.

Sam Quick
Sam is a recent college graduate and a pro at quickly and efficiently finding information about college programs and courses. She acquires academic catalogs and is responsible for tagging academic affinities such as HACU and HBCUs in the database. Sam has the unique ability to find anything about a college or program whether it’s a policy buried 3 pages down on a website or a catalog that’s 15 years old.
Vince Paradis
Vince uses his life long experience in higher education technology to man the daily controls of the DegreeData system. He is responsible for importing and maintaining data as well as providing content to subcontractors and vendors. He has built and documented the DegreeData API and works with licensees to ensure their data requirements are met. in 2023 he over-hauled the entire database to be a lean, mean data machine.
We’d like to add a photograph of Vince, but he refuses to get a haircut.
Special Thanks to These Advisors
Getting ready for AI.
In 2022-2023 DegreeData undertook a complete restructuring of our relational data system in preparation for leveraging large language models and conversion technologies. In preparation for that project, we received valuable insight and advice from
- Jennifer Wine and Lesa Caves at RTI International and
- Roberta Hyland and Felicia Perez at the National Student Clearinghouse
Thank you to those individuals and organizations. The result of your contributions has allowed us to move forward with the AWS orchestration and vector transformation to power AI.