Welcome to the new DegreeData website. We hope you enjoy the updated design but this upgrade isn’t just aesthetic. DegreeData has added functions to make curriculum and transfer credit research more efficient. For one thing, we increased the the speed on catalog downloads so you can find what you’re looking for more quickly. We also enhanced the program and course search capability.
Better Course Search
Our users have told us that they want to see a course in context, not simply the description. DegreeData search delivers not only the description, but an overview of how the course is actually used. Search results return every reference to a course including it’s use in pre- and co-requisites, as program requirements, electives and general education. Full page catalog presentation gives researchers the ability to see what courses are around the course in question and how it relates to over-all offerings.
A responsive site for viewing on multiple devices
The new site looks great (we think) but it also works well on phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. Not that you’ll ever do deep research on your phone, but it’s nice to know that if you have to find something fast and you’re not at your computer, you can get there with DegreeData.com.